Chiara Salandin
Psicologa Psicoterapeuta c/o Azienda ULSS 3 Serenissima – Terraferma Veneziana. SerD Mestre-Venezia – Area prevenzione, Giovani e Famiglie. Responsabile: Dr. A. Pani.

Communication presented at the 8th European Congress on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology and XXX Congress of SEPYPNA, which under the title «Psychological development, psychopathology and human relations today: interaction between the biological and the social aspects» took place in Bilbao on April 26, 27 and 28, 2018.


The choice of this job theme resides in the afterthought of what continuously happens to us as professionals within our normal daily experiences. What are the effects of many violent actions in which we see and of which we are the spectators or protagonists? What are the means through which we filter fear, distress and the mental projections recounted from our patents? How much does this break us down? What about in the long term?
Entirely, we are reminded how to maintain our love for our work and the best intentions to help our patients
When we speak of our work, one can see that we express pleasure in helping, seeing the fruits of our labor, the bitterness and delusion, which is experienced both verbally and physically. So let’s begin with the word ‘violence’. A word having multiple meanings, for example, destroying another because they are inferring with ones’ desires, destroying another psychologically because they are disturbing the person or groups well- being, the very last attempt to recuperate a relationship, strenuous fight to defend oneself.
Key words: Trauma, Reconciliation, Violence

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